Production Blog (The "set up").....
Hey scholars, welcome back to my blog!!! In my last blog I introduced my upcoming “YOU” project. It’s a commercial that represents me, my interests, and portrays some of my personality. To produce this project, I want to structure it so it can seem professionally made. I also want to keep it interesting/entertaining. For the set up, my first video will be an outdoor background (I haven't figured out where yet). This is to add a kind of natural scenery to the commercial. The video I plan on including, will be of me giving a brief summary about the myself. I like to call it my fake Ted Talk :) The angle that I plan on using is a long shot, displaying me as I give my small speech. I want to use this angle because it centers the viewers attention. There will be multiple jump shots, showing photos of myself over the years and a couple memes. I was thinking about doing a voice-over for one portion of the commercial but I'm not sure where to place that section yet. For now, I want to focus on using Diegetic sound and sound motif to piece together my speech then get into the photos (que marching band music in the background). When editing the photos in, I will use the split screen technique to display multiple photos at once. The video of myself will be shot from my iphone camera. I will edit the camera's saturation and brightness to give it a glow effect. I will attempt to put the camera in portrait mode for the video, because I like the effect it gives. Because this is an individual project I am going to use a tripod, that way it'll be easier to record myself. The tripod will be set up at a certain distance, so I am able to get the angle that I want. There is still much work to do with this set up. Depending on the length of my small talk, I would say this is about 35 seconds into my commercial. Stay tuned for the next production blog. Thank you for reading my muddled ideas, until next time >3 !!
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