Group Blog


Heyy scholars, welcome back to my blog. Senior year is really kicking my behind. Things are crazy expensive for no reason. Anyways, as you guys know I’m currently working on my music video project. I am really excited for this project. I know the blog has “group” in the title, but I’ve decided to work alone. I was thinking about working in a group, but one I wanna work on my own time if that makes sense. Working in a group sometimes can cause some conflict when it comes to different things. In this scenario, we’d all have to agree on the song choice/genre, storyboard, etc. I have a lot of ideas that I want or incorporate don’t really want someone’s approval. I know it may sound selfish, but that’s  just how I feel personally. I do enjoy working in groups most of the time, but I’m stressed enough, and I don’t want to depend on others to do their part. Secondly, all the groups were already  formed, so that’s already settled. It’s definitely going to be a lot more working by myself, but I’m going to think of the positives and focus on bringing my ideas to life. I’m definitely going to need to work on my time management skills, because I do struggle with procrastination….like a lot. (Another reason I decided to work by myself, cause that wouldn’t be fair to others) Aside from that, I’ve decided to do the song Un-break my heart by Toni Braxton. I chose this song because it goes with my storyboard, of a heartbroken girl. And, I just really like the song and want to add dramatic effects. More details to be revealed later, thanks for reading!!!

Yours Truly, A. LaFrance ;)


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