Movie Conventions Research: "Us"
Heyy scholars, welcome back to my blog!! As we continue our project we have a bit more research to get done. Today we will be looking into the movie "Us" produced and directed by Jordan Peele, released in 2019. In my opinion this is not your typical horror film. Throughout the entire movie, Peele effectively employs suspense and fear to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. A feeling of horror is created by the careful timing and utilization of visual and audio signals. Peele ups the bar on the entire intensity of the film's experience by breaking conventional horror clichés and expectations. In our final task, we want to include this as well. That level of intensity really keeps the audience engaged and produces a nice project that fits into the horror genre. "Us" is filled with metaphor and symbolism, enabling audiences to dig deeper into the story. For example, the doppelgängers' red jumpsuits represent those who are oppressed and less fortunate par...