Production Blog.........Almost DoNe.....

Hey lovelies!! Welcome back to my blog! Today I'm going to go even further into the planning of how my group's opening scene came to be. Although planning this was so fun, there was also a lot of layers to it. I'll start by talking about our location. When first discussing about our location, we knew that it would have to be somewhere of a location region as well as a mall where people visit frequently. After conversing about it we decided on Sawgrass Mall. We were satisfied with that at first the realized that we had an issue. What we wanted to do would require us to be in a smaller and more confined room. After realizing that, we decided to back on the scratch board and make some compromises. With only a few minutes of deliberating, we decided to use a groupmates' house. With our location confirmed everything seems set. So far we have all of our scenes set, assigned roles, and our location. Some of the things we're still looking into are the props we will nee...